Seismic Podium

Seismic Podium - 'Float' throughout the audio waveband-

Available in 5 standard sizes

Available in five standard sizes (or to special order to accommodate true behemoths), each Podium platform utilizes Townshend’s innovative ‘Captive’ Load Cell technology to provide a stable four-square footprint that extends well beyond the perimeter of the speaker cabinet. This also allows easy fine levelling adjustment of each Load Cell via a rotatable top cap while, on the bottom, is an adjustable foot to compensate for out-of true floors. The tough black steel platform accommodates any shape of medium to large speaker or sub-woofer, with or without spikes. The Seismic Podiums are suitable for wood, tile or carpeted floors. Total speaker height is increased by only 20mm (3/4”). We suggest removing spikes so as to keep the height of the speaker at the height of its original design.

The Seismic Podiums add a mere 2cm to the height of a loudspeaker. This is important not just for obvious centre-of-gravity reasons, but because boundary proximity affects low frequency performance, so raising a speaker up too far will make for a leaner bass than originally intended.

Townshend Seismic Podium isolates from 3Hz up on all planes

Accessory of the year 2020

"The Seismic Podiums become so fundamental to the listening experience that calling them mere accessories fails to give them enough credit. Real stunners" -

In the realm of audio, where the equipment is as sensitive as the ears that hear it, unwanted vibrations are a significant concern. Choosing isolation devices is a crucial decision in this context. Most devices are designed to isolate vibrations, typically from around 14Hz, and attenuate specific frequencies. While they may alter the sound, often enhancing the presentation by tightening it, the primary goal is to entirely separate the equipment from the room. This isolation allows the speakers to stand alone, facilitating music creation without external constraints.

Sound quality is always affected by what’s between the speakers and the floor. Any devices positioned under speakers change the sound. These changes can be perceived as improvements, but are simply differences, merely tuning devices, not actual enhancements. Minimising vibrations is crucial for superior audio clarity

Townshend’s Seismic Podiums are unmatched in performance. Effective from 3Hz and above, preventing speakers from activating the floor, affecting each other and the rest of your system. Additionally, they are very neighbour-friendly!


What Our Customers Have to Say.

Break the accoustic connection between the floor and the speaker

Designed as a range to accommodate any size and weight of speaker – standmount plus stand, floorstander or subwoofer – the Seismic Podium breaks the acoustic connection between the floor and the speaker, preventing the passage of deleterious vibrations both to and from the speaker cabinets. To explain why this is an absolute necessity before any speaker can perform to its true potential, read ‘Earthquakes on hi-fi’.

Floated on Seismic Isolation Podiums, speakers are freed from the ever-present seismic activity and room/floor interactions that seriously degrade sound quality. The result is simply magical, allowing listeners to hear into their favourite music in a way they were never able to previously. When under your speakers, they will give you immediate improvements in overall sound by preventing speaker generated vibration from entering the floor and sound from entering your speakers. By eliminating the resonance between the speaker-cabinet mass and the floor, the sound will be noticeably clearer, much more tuneful, controlled and natural. Bass boom is significantly reduced and there will be a far larger, much deeper and wider sound stage. The sound becomes natural and more enjoyable.

As many have already witnessed, the improvements are a revelation and a true pleasure – not least because severing the acoustic link between the speaker and the floor allows playback at more realistic volume levels without annoying the neighbours!

Available in five standard sizes (or to special order to accommodate true behemoths), each Podium platform utilizes Townshend’s innovative ‘Captive’ Load Cell technology to provide a stable four-square footprint that extends well beyond the perimeter of the speaker cabinet. This also allows easy fine levelling adjustment of each Load Cell via a rotatable top cap while, on the bottom, is an adjustable foot to compensate for out-of true floors. The tough black steel platform has a large area treadplate that accommodates any shape of medium to large speaker or sub-woofer, with or without spikes. The Seismic Podiums are suitable for wood, tile or carpeted floors. Total speaker height is increased by only 20mm (3/4”).

Custom made Podium for larger and complex designs

When the standard sizes are not suitable the Townshend design team will build a Podium to suite your speakers. When isolating extremely heavy or large speakers it may be necessary to add extra Loadcells within the design incorporating up to 6 or sometimes 8 Loadcells. 

There is no speaker too large or heavy we can’t isolate.

Our engineers will devise a custom Podium and send in durable wooden crates to ensure they arrive intact and ready to isolate. 

Contact us for a quote. 

Hand-made wooden crates protect ‘custom Seismic Platforms in transit

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Don't confuse a reduction in added 'kick bass' for natural bass


There is an inevitable reduction in bass noise when the additional distorted bass is removed, which should not be confused with a drop in accurate bass.
It may be necessary to re-position the speakers closer to the corners of the room to re-balance the sound, but the results are worth the effort.
Rigid coupling is supposed to hold the speaker still to compensate for the cone movement reaction. However, with a very light cone reacting with a heavy cabinet, this movement is minimal and linear according to Newton’s laws of motion. Therefore, the reduction in bass heard when a speaker is isolated is due to the lack of floor “sounding-board” radiation, not the lack of bass output from the speaker.

Installing the Podium

Townshend Seismic Isolation range

Corners & Bars

Isolate smaller speakers and hifi racs

Pods & platforms

Isolate record players and DACS

Kerr Acoustic speaker and Townshend Seismic Isolation Podium

Custom & Standard Podium

All floor-standing speakers to megaliths

Polymer vs Mass spring

Comparison: To the Iso- Acoustics Gaia 1’s.
Procedure: I removed my Iso-Acoustics Gaia 1’s that I have had under my Focal Sopra 2’s speakers from their entry into my system to compare the sound with the Townshend Seismic Isolation Podium Platform.
With the 2 Townshend Seismic Isolation Podium Platform size 3 now in place. BTW, I must add that I placed the order from Townshend in England from the USA on Tuesday, they were shipped on Thursday and I received both of them by Monday. Pretty fast shipping, Oh, if only the USPS could get there act together…
Starting with the bass. = There is definatly more clearly defined bass notes. Defined is my choice word. I listened to familiar tunes with prominent bass notes. I like to imagine if I can feel a real bass player playing along. That is; with the power and tonality of a live performer. Can you feel the bass pluck?
Midrange. = I hear more hidden clues in the music. I listen for the clarity of the voice and instruments. Live recording’s is usually the best to examine. (See my conclusion below)
Treble. = The highs are extended naturally. Nothing added or taken away. I think the treble sounds more open, cymbals shimmer longer, better? Again, I think so.
Soundstage. = Definitely an improvement in both front/back side to side images. Very happy.

Hearing deeper minute details

Ok, I admit I am an old time rocker. My favorite group is Creedence Clearwater Revival. On the “Green River” tune (24/192hz download), previously I could sense the rhythm guitar of John’s older brother Tom strumming but could never quite hear it clearly. No wonder he got pissed.
Well today with the Townshend Platforms in place, I can hear the brother clearly strumming along, a little left of center, sort of floating above the speakers. This tells me that I am hearing deeper minute images that were once buried in the mix.
I like the livelier sound on the Led Zeppelin track “Rock & Roll” HD 24/96hz but it always seemed a little anemic, like it should sound more dynamic. Well now with Townshend Platforms in place it does! The drum whacks have more presence. And the cymbals really ride with the music. Most impressive.
The size of the Platforms fit my Focal Sopra 2’s perfectly, almost like they were made for them. Edge to edge in all directions, perfect fit. For smaller rooms the outrigger extensions may be cumbersome but in my open room they look fine.
Nothing negative to report, except maybe the cost. But I also own many Critical Mass footers that are quite impressive and I can’t believe what those little buggers’ cost.
Quite frankly, instead of trying other footers that are perhaps cheaper and sort of a band aid approach that will cause you to keep searchin’ for that missing element, go for the real thing(s) and finally enjoy your system.

The secret is in the science

“Our research over 40 years has led us down many dead-end paths.  we have experimented with the isolation used by our competitors but it never delivered what can be achieved with the mass-spring loaded approach”

Max Townshend 

HookE's law simple Harmonic Motion

The spring is a marvel of human engineering and creativity restoring a system to equilibrium when the mass is optimised for the spring delivering outstanding sonic results by attenuating vibration down to 3Hz, on all planes

Why we don't use spikes

It may look directional but a spike is a fantastic way to ensure the mechanical vibration entering your equipment is attenuated to specific frequencies. See: Jack's Theory of More Stuff

Polymers and 'more stuff' offer limited isolation

polymers begin to attenuate vibrations at around 12Hz and stone may dampen some frequencies but fail to ensure complete mechanical vibration.

Townshend audio

For over 40 years Max Townshend has been searching for solutions.

Isolda Speaker Cables

Allegri Preamplifier

Maximum Supertweeters

Fractal Interconnect


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What our critics say :


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Our support team will work with you to ensure that your equipment is optimised with the correct Loadcell for maximum isolation and musical enjoyment. 

Designed and built in the UK
Designed and built in the UK
"We need more free-thinking companies like Townshend Audio"