Welcome to the Townshend Allegri Reference, where the philosophy of "Less is More" defines our approach to high-fidelity audio.

At the heart of our design is the Allegri autotransformer volume control and source switch – a minimalist solution that connects your source directly to the power amp with no added circuitry, ensuring an uncolored, noise-free, and truly transparent listening experience. By stripping away unnecessary components, the Allegri delivers pure, unaltered sound, offering the ultimate expression of clarity and musicality in one simple, elegant box.

Why Choose The Allegri Reference

Unique amongst others

The Allegri Reference Preamplifier by Townshend Audio is unique compared to other preamplifier designs due to its passive transformer-based volume control and several other specialized design features contributing to its high-fidelity performance. Passive design is the main factor that sets it apart (No Active Electronics). The Allegri Reference is a passive preamplifier, meaning it does not use active components like transistors or op-amps to amplify the signal. Instead, it operates entirely without a power supply. This results in zero distortion, as no active amplification stages can introduce noise, distortion, or interference.

Purely Passive

The Allegri Reference is a passive preamplifier, meaning it does not use active components like transistors or op-amps to amplify the signal. Instead, it operates entirely without a power supply. This results in zero distortion, as no active amplification stages can introduce noise, distortion, or interference. – Most other solid-state or tube-based preamplifiers use active circuits that can add colouration to the sound.  

Impedance Matching

 The Allegri Reference provides optimal impedance matching between the source and the power amplifier. Many passive designs struggle with impedance issues, which can lead to a lack of dynamics or signal degradation. However, the transformer-based system in the Allegri allows for more stable impedance matching, ensuring that there is no loss of drive or dynamics even with longer cables or different amplifiers.

No Power Supply or Active Gain Stage

Unlike active preamplifiers, the Allegri Reference requires no external power supply. This further eliminates any potential hum, noise, or interference that a power source can introduce. Most preamplifiers require a power supply for their internal circuits, but the Allegri avoids this completely, contributing to its silent operation.

Wide Frequency Response

Thanks to its transformer design, the Allegri Reference is capable of delivering an exceptionally wide frequency response with low distortion across the audible spectrum. This contrasts with some passive designs, which may have limited bandwidth due to the resistive nature of their volume control systems. 

High-Quality Components and Build

The Allegri Reference is built with high-quality components, including custom-made transformers and precision volume controls. The attention to detail and engineering precision contribute to its audiophile-grade performance, with reviewers noting that it provides a clear, detailed, and uncoloured sound.  

Simple and Elegant Circuit

The simplicity of the Allegri Reference’s design makes it highly reliable and maintenance-free. There are no tubes or transistors to wear out, and the transformer-based design ensures longevity.
Transparency and Neutrality


Users and reviewers often describe the sound of the Allegri Reference as incredibly transparent and neutral. Because it doesn’t add any active gain or colouration, it essentially “disappears” in the audio chain, letting the source and amplifier do the work without interference. In summary, the Allegri Reference Preamplifier is different from other preamplifiers primarily because it uses a passive, transformer-based design that eliminates the need for active electronics or power supplies. Its transparency, lack of distortion, precise impedance matching, and wide frequency response set it apart from traditional preamps that rely on active circuitry for signal processing.

“With lab results at, or very close to, the state of the art..”

Martin Colloms

HiFi Critic

The Townshend Difference

The Allegri Reference preamplifier represents the pinnacle of Max Townshend’s lifelong pursuit to eliminate colorations and distortions from audio reproduction, offering the purest listening experience possible. Over the years, Max has pioneered numerous innovations, from the parabolic styli to the Rock turntable, cryogenically treated wire, and seismic isolation techniques. His latest creation, the Allegri Reference, embodies his quest for the perfect volume control, leveraging advanced transformer technology and reed relay switching to deliver unmatched transparency and precision. Volume control is critical in any audio system, as it must handle the delicate task of attenuating sound without introducing noise, distortion, or capacitance issues. Most traditional methods—whether passive or active potentiometers, switched resistor arrays, optical systems, or even digital volume controls—fail to achieve this without compromising sound quality. The Allegri Reference’s innovative reed relay-switched autotransformer offers a revolutionary solution, ensuring seamless operation with precise, incremental volume adjustments that remain true to the original signal. With its carefully designed Seismic Isolation feet, aerospace-grade components, and cutting-edge Fractal™ wire, the Allegri Reference delivers an extraordinary, lifelike listening experience. It allows the music to flow effortlessly, providing crystalline clarity and immersive soundstage reproduction. Whether you’re listening to classical symphonies or rock anthems, the Allegri Reference makes it feel as though the equipment disappears, leaving only the magic of the music behind. This is not just another preamplifier—it’s a game-changer in high-end audio, offering unprecedented value and performance at its price point.


Townshend Audio Creator


Townshend Audio Creator


attenuation Table


  • Transformer-Based Volume Control: Utilizing transformer technology for volume control minimizes signal degradation and maintains high sound quality, ensuring an immersive listening experience.
  • Reed Relay Switched Autotransformer Volume Control (AVC): The use of reed relays ensures a perfect connection and reliability, offering precise remote volume adjustments in 129 half-dB steps. This advanced technology enhances user experience and minimizes signal distortion.
  • Combatting RF Interference: Incorporating a specially designed common-mode filter and medical-grade switch-mode supply mitigates RF interference, ensuring consistent sound quality across various power amplifiers.
  • Revolutionary Core Upgrades: Featuring exclusive Grade 80 Permalloy alloy from the USA, the autotransformers promise reduced distortion, stronger magnetic induction, and decreased noise, resulting in a significant leap in performance.
  • Enhanced Sound Quality: Through rigorous testing and innovative design, the Allegri Reference delivers enhanced bass articulation, sharper high-frequency focus, and an overall improvement in sound quality, providing an immersive listening experience like never before.
  • Aesthetic Design: Available in silver metallic or black finish, with a frontal display featuring input and volume level indicators, the Allegri Reference combines sleek design with intuitive functionality, enhancing both visual appeal and user convenience.
  • Competitive Pricing: Priced at £9990, the Allegri Reference offers unparalleled performance at a competitive price point, making it accessible to audiophiles seeking top-tier audio fidelity without compromising on quality.
  • Fractal wire and transformer technology
  • 104 ultra-long-life precision Reed relays for switching
  • No detrimental connectors in signal path, all connections are hard-wired
  • Clock only activated when control is operated, minimizing interference
  • LED readouts run on interference-free DC, preventing degradation of sound
  • Seismic isolation integrated within the feet for improved sound quality
  • Silent linear power supply for electronics, reducing noise
  • 129 x 0.5dB steps for precise volume control
  • Five stereo phono inputs, two pairs of balanced XLRs, two stereo phono outputs, and one pair of balanced XLR outputs
  • Front panel 3.5mm jack socket wired in parallel with input 5
  • Bypass feature for home cinema integration
  • Gain offset capability
  • Remotely controlled input select pre-programmable for desired listening levels
  • Brightness of readouts adjusts to ambient light for optimal readability
  • Display options in numerals or decibels, with the ability to blank display from remote
  • Flashes decimal point on input channel display with each remote input
  • Attenuation table provided for reference

Max Townshend introduces his Audio innovations

~ 3 minutes

Max Townshend mini lecture on vibration in audio systems

~ 25 minutes

'Seismic in the wild'- the national audio show,uk

~ 8 minutes

Choose seismic isolation that fits your needs


Allegri Reference

For speakers with unusual shapes and weights we can prepare a special custom design to cater to your needs.

Allegri +

The devices are placed under the piano legs to break the acoustic connection to the floor. 

What our customers says about us?


Rating of 185 reviews

Enhanced Sound Quality

Enjoy the most neutral and natural sounding preampfification on the planet

Relaxing Audio Experience

Transformers taps to attenuate volume rather than resistors

Comprehensive Vibration Control

The Allegri has integrated Seismic Isolation



Townshend Allegri + Preamplifier by Jason Kennedy Editor of The Ear Online

Jason Kennedy

Paul Seydor Reviews The Seismic Podiums for Tracking Angle

Paul Seydor

Interesting reading: Supertweeters and ultra high frequencies

Max Townshend

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frequently asked questions

Townshend Audio’s mechanical low pass filter exemplifies true decoupling, offering a level of vibration isolation that far surpasses conventional attenuation methods. By effectively isolating components from vibrations down to below 3 Hz, Townshend ensures that high-fidelity audio systems perform at their best, free from the distortions caused by external vibrations.

  • Conventional Attenuation: Devices that merely attenuate at higher frequencies, typically at around 14Hz are limited in their ability to control low-frequency vibrations, which can still interfere with the performance of sensitive equipment.

When we float the speakers in the audio band on dampened low pass filters we free the music from the constraints of a speaker and the room. It’s magical

Yes, Seismic Isolation technology can be used with virtually any audio system. Townshend Seismic Isolation products are designed to be versatile and compatible with a wide range of audio equipment, including turntables, speakers, amplifiers, and other components. By minimizing unwanted vibrations, our technology enhances the performance of your existing setup, delivering a clearer, more immersive sound experience. Whether you have a high-end audiophile system or a more modest setup, you can benefit from the improved sound quality that Seismic Isolation provides.

Ideally, you would like to enjoy your music at its natural volume level—as if you were listening to a live performance—without being irritated by vibrations caused by other building equipment or annoying the neighbours!

 Conventional so-called rigid supports (spikes or cones) aim to hold the speaker cabinet ‘still’ at audio frequencies. However, there will be a resonance set up by the mass of the cabinet reacting with the unavoidable springiness of the floor, even concrete floors. This can cause vibration of the whole building structure in the audio band, which can be very audible to your neighbours. 

Rigid coupling also transmits building-borne vibration back into the speaker cabinet and thence to the speaker driver baskets where it is superimposed onto your own music and also into other components in your audio system.

 The solution is to isolate your speakers from the building structure using a low-pass filter, in other words to let them ‘float’ throughout the audio waveband. This can be achieved by using Townshend Seismic Load Cells.

They work by coupling the mass of the speaker cabinet to the building structure, usually the floor, via a spring. At very low frequencies, the supported mass (speaker cabinet) follows the (slow) movement of the floor with a transmissibility of 1, just as with the rigid coupling. As the frequency of movement of the speaker cabinet (caused by reaction to the movement of the speech coil as it plays music) rises, a point of resonance is reached where it oscillates a large amount for a small input, 3.5Hz in the example. This large resonant oscillation can be tamed by damping. As the frequency rises further, the movement of the speaker cabinet reduces, ultimately at a rate of 12dB per octave,

 For audio systems, this reduction in coupling between the speaker cabinet and the building structure should start at about 5Hz. This resonant frequency of oscillation depends on the mass and spring rate, but it can be shown to be 3.5Hz if the compression of the spring when loaded is about 30mm. In this way, a spring can be selected for any speaker cabinet to give a resonant frequency of 3.5Hz.

 Since Seismic Load Cells are bi-directional they also reduce the effects of building structure vibration from entering your speakers. Furthermore, they act equally in all three planes, thus counteracting all aspects of building structure vibration.  

 For large displacements and without any damping, the speaker cabinet would oscillate for quite a long period, as is common with undamped sprung turntables. In the Seismic Load Cell this oscillation is rapidly damped by the turbulence of the air passing through the hole in the bellows/small-hole resistive damping arrangement, 

When at rest there is no resistance, and full isolation performance is realized.  

 As a listener, you experience the Townshend Floating Effect – the sound improves dramatically and becomes independent of the speakers, providing wider stage width and greater depth, together with tighter and more realistic bass, thuddy boom now eliminated.

You will be able to enjoy your music at its natural volume level – as if you were listening to a live performance – without annoying the neighbours!

Rigid devices such as cones and spikes do not isolate, they couple. Springs made of rubber compounds, such as Sorbothane, are partially successful, but they don’t act as springs at frequencies below about 50Hz. Much of the musical energy which can stimulate vibration of the building structure is contained at lower frequencies, at which these compound springs act effectively as couplings with a transmissibility of 1, as shown by the green line on the transmissibility graph. The effectiveness of Sorbothane speaker mounts, shown as the green dotted area on the graph, is thus severely limited. Magnetic repulsion ‘spring’ mounts are only partly successful because they cannot operate in all three planes without some form of mechanical restraint (Earnshaw’s theorem), which detracts from their effectiveness. Unlike these and all spikes and cones, Townshend Seismic Load Cells act equally in all three planes